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Saturday, 2 March 2019

Press Releases: The United States Sanctions Illegitimate Maduro Regime Security Officials Associated With Violence and Obstruction of International Humanitarian Assistance

Press Releases: The United States Sanctions Illegitimate Maduro Regime Security Officials Associated With Violence and Obstruction of International Humanitarian Assistance
Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
March 1, 2019

Today, the United States took action against six security officials of the illegitimate Maduro regime associated with obstruction of the entry of international humanitarian aid into Venezuela or violence against those who attempted to deliver this assistance.

Sanctions were imposed on Richard Jesus Lopez Vargas, Commanding General of the Venezuelan National Guard, Jesus Maria Mantilla Oliveros, Commander of Strategic Integral Defense Region Guayana, Alberto Mirtiliano Bermudez Valderrey, Division General for the Integral Defense Zone in Bolivar State, Jose Leonardo Norono Torres, Division General and Commander for the Integral Defense Zone in Tachira State, Jose Miguel Dominguez Ramirez, Chief Commissioner of the FAES (police special forces) in Tachira, and Cristhiam Abelardo Morales Zambrano, National Police Director.

The United States and the international community continue to support the Venezuelan people as they strive to reclaim their democracy. We must support Juan Guaido’s interim presidency per Venezuela’s Constitution, its National Assembly, and the sovereign will of the Venezuelan people.

Published March 01, 2019 at 06:32PM

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